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Starting One Step, the only thing I had in mind and was really interested in was losing weight and toning up. As a result, that is now not the case. The past couple of weeks my mindset on a healthy living lifestyle has changed dramatically. The initiation was the beginning of the program and when I heard the numbers I thought there was NO way I would be able to pull them off. I pushed myself to finish because I felt like I could NOT say "I can't." The main reason I come back every weekend is for the fundamentals i'm learning which underly with martial arts, dirty boxing, cardio and self-defence. I see a difference in myself. I leave every weekend feeling stronger and more confident with myself and around my surroundings. When I walk, I look people in the eye. One of the most important things I learned was in any case of being alone at night outside, when passing people, to make strong eye-contact with people because that establishes a lot opposed to looking down. I learned that when shaking hands with people, to shake more strong and swiftly, it displays your character of a determined individual. I'm still learning infact everyday, and that all is due to my instructor Matin and my fellow classmates that push me everyday.

Sahra Del

I wish to take this moment to sincerely thank you and to express my appreciation for allowing me to participate in the one step program. I have learned a lot about the martial arts and about staying fit these past few months I’ve been in the program. When times seemed tough you have showed me that what we were doing were all steps to growing stronger both physically and mentally. You have taught me that without pain there will be no room for improvement. In my opinion one step is an astounding program that has many things to offer, not only does it teach you about self-defence, but also about life and respect. Throughout my time in the program I have grown to respect you and my fellow one step brothers and sisters, and overtime I have developed a strong bond with the one step family that no one can break. I really appreciate you taking your time to come and share your knowledge and wisdom with me and thank for pushing me over my limits to become a stronger man. Inshallah I hope the best for you and your family.

Khalid Sheikhomar

Am new to this country and everything here is like a whole new experience for me. I have been wondering for some months how i will be able to get more volunteer hours. Then one blessed day i met sister Amanda(Martins sister) at mentoring. She told me about this program called the one step. She was like you just workout and have fun with some people and also get food at the end of every section and money at the end of the program. In my thoughts i was like this is not any volunteer thing, any way am gonna try. So i decided to join the one step and the first day i walked into this program it was a whole different thing from what Amanda told me.But i realized if she came clean and told me the kind of "workouts" they do i would have backed out. Doing 100 push ups the first day damm that's crazy. I only do about 30 push ups. I swear to god i was thinking about quiting after the first day but i decided to stay. For the past 4 weeks that i spent with brother Martin was just awesome. Spending this time with him just changed a whole lot about me. I used to picture my self as a well built young guy and strong and never cared about exercising or doing any training that much but the whole perspective changed meeting brother Martin. Not only that but he built respect and discipline in me. I am really grateful for this opportunity brother Martin and thank you so much. MashaAllah i did not quit. Happy New Year

Sanda Abubakar

I feel very honored and blessed that I’m able to be a part of the One Step program. I see myself looking forward to it throughout the week and appreciate the way it changed me as a person. I am still the same, but contemplate a lot more on life than I did before. I feel like I needed to be exposed to this whole new experience and that there’s a reason why I was. Before I joined the program, I imagined it as any other gym but found it completely different. It’s very ironic how life works because, when my friends explained to me and were encouraging me to join the program, I felt like my life has just become a routine. Wake up, go to school, come back and sleep. I’m also excited on the change my body will eventually go through as the program continues. I also feel more confident in my body than I did before, even though I never lost any weight yet. Overall, I hope the One Step program continues to always be a part of my life.

Mulki Dirir

One Step Method is one of the most beneficial programs I've attended in a long time. If you expect to come to a class and joke around, this is not a program for you. We follow by this phrase ''One Step at a time" we build from the bottom up and continue to maximize our potential. I have attended classes similar to One Step but the difference I see is the discipline not only am I seeing results psychically but my mentality has changed I am much more mature and with this martial arts/boot camp program we are learning to be more humble and walk with confidence because the stuff we learn can seriously harm another person. Another huge reason why I enjoy One Step is the way Matin opens our minds and teaches to not take our bodies for granted because Health is Wealth!! I seriously do not know where I would be if I wasn't introduced to such a powerful program like this. My Name is Mohamed Abshir Hussein and I highly recommend One Step Method.

Mohamed Abshir Hussein

… It is highly unorthodox to begin any document or even a conversation with But I, the author, feel it is the most appropriate and only way to begin such an everlasting but don't-know-where-to-begin, tip-of-the-tongue testimonial… besides I'm far from orthodox myself. For starters, (sorry if this may seem like a speed date) my name is Feisal Shariff, I currently turned eighteen as of December 6, 2013 and born in Toronto but raised all over, now residing in where one may call a "troubled neighbourhood", I call Rexdale. Now you may think of me at first as a oversized-baggy clothing wearing thug or a menace to society gangster sitting in a library he never knew existed desperately trying to garner a few fancy words out of a dictionary to write his life story and struggles (except the police charges of course) but I can certainly assure you I've only ever popped pimples not 'suckas', and maybe your own balloon of judgment as you now discover I go to York University (so that means I did finish high school), was employed but I moved on, eldest of a family of 5 from two families and on my way to fulfill my dreams; becoming One Step Method's first pilot. I am currently also enrolled, out of pocket, into Island Air Flight School located at Billy Bishop Island Airport (Downtown Toronto). My testimony truly begins September 21, 2012; my first day of One Step Method. Initiation was HELL, but I LOVED every minute of it. For the first time I pushed my body, my mind and my spirit to a great length that I never knew possible or doable. Initially, I knew nothing about the program or the genius behind it, Matin Sakhile except what my cousin who introduced me into the program had told me; he's a 'mod' man and we do some deadly work out fam!" Trust me, mod or mad man is a definite understatement when trying to describe Matin. I only agreed to come to the program so I could check out the first class by the sidelines but Matin was having none of that. I remember him telling me, "We don't watch brother, we do and participate, you have to man" I timidly agreed to joined but not without initiation. Oh those 100 pushups, 100 sit-ups and 100 burpees (military pushups + jumping in the air) hurt so very much that day. I’ve been use to gym class exercises like beep test, stretches, basketball but nothing so physically stressing on my body like that initiation. In the end, however, I pulled through because I really wanted to be fit and learn martial arts, so I told myself I'd give and do anything for this opportunity. A roller coaster year ensues as the 8-week One Step Method program funded by THC (Toronto Community Housing) comes to a close and graduation falls upon the first 20 members of the programs. All boys from the Lawrence Heights Community and Jane and Finch Community, with myself as an exception, the only one from the Rexdale Community. While commute to One Step Method is 10-15 minutes for my fellow One Steppers, it took me 30- 45 minutes (sometimes an hour). I'm dry confident you would understand what that means? That's a whole extra hour to get up and get ready on Saturday or Sunday morning, while others got to sleep in until midday. That’s standing in the cold waiting for the 46 TTC bus to connect to the 58 on Dixon. For average people that would classify as dedication but my story doesn't end here, my dedication, ambition and love for martial arts/ fitness and the One Step Method program in general were tested after graduation. For one month after grad, back in November 2012, I was the only student among the 20 members of the One Step Method clan to continue training with Matin. After graduation a lot of people fell off, some never returned and landed themselves in troubled situations. I got VIP training for a month and that was where I grew as a person, the techniques, methods and skills, and a love for the martial arts. I did not quit like others, I did not care what the weather was, what situation I was in, I made sure I made it to class every week. I now incorporate One Step Method in my daily routine like when I wake up in the mornings or before going to bed, do my stretches and a couple pushups/sit-ups. When I was working and going to school full-time, I built my schedule around One Step method to minimize absenteeism and (All praise to God) I've managed to do so successfully. One example of how I've improved my one step skills and myself is my ability to fall properly based on the technique taught to me in One Step Method. I’ve come from being shy and awkward feeling to teaching others the proper technique of a proper fall during a fight (if ever required). I’ve also helped Matin instruct the class or come early to class to open up for him, lead in stretches and many other things. Into the New Year of 2013, I've watched many students come and go, from youth, teens to grown adults. The second generations of one step members are currently in One Step Method training right now and have been more consistent than the first year on average. Their dedication and commitment to the program inspires Matin to keep giving us this exceptional knowledge that he has. His most dedicated follower and sister, Amanda Chance deserves a special shout out! She is a prime example of the One Step's goal and motto, "HEALTH IS WEALTH" Just as I started my testimony unorthodoxly, I feel I must finish the same. No matter what you throw at a true believer of One Step they'll just dodge it on a 45… One Step is not easy to describe because we learn something new everyday whether its something physical like the martial arts/ fitness/ boxing techniques or something mental or spiritual about life in general and about social issues affecting us in our daily lives in our communities and even abroad. One Step Method is a platform for promoting health, fitness, positive change of self and much more.

Feisal Shariff

I have been attending One Step for a year and a half now and I learn new things every session. It is not things I can just be taught in school or in other athletic places; it is things I need to know for my own good. I have learned many boxing/kicking drills, simple cardio workouts and other martial arts styles. Going to One Step teaches me how to defend myself, and stay fit. To be given the opportunity to learn self-defense and workout methods benefits me in so many ways and allows me to maximize my potential. The world we live in today consists of violence and everyone should be able to protect them selves and prepare for the worst-case scenarios. Ever since I started going to One Step I understood how important my own health is, and how important it is to live a healthy life, because my health is my wealth. Going to One Step 3 times a week educates me physically, mentally, and spiritually. I look forward to consistently going to One Step to continue this learning experience with the instructor Matin.

Anwar Sufi

I’ve been training and working out for as long as I could remember. I went to other classes similar to One Step and I hadn’t seen much results. Then found out about One Step Method a friend and have been going ever since. I enjoy attending One Step and look forward to spend my weekend at One Step every day. Going to a class where a trainer can’t even do what he’s telling you to do are the worst, but with One Step, the trainer Matin will show you step-by-step how to perfect your craft. I feel Matin is an excellent trainer and has taught me to stay humble, carry yourself with confidence, because the self-defense martial arts we learn could be harmful to another person. Some of the benefits of going to One Step is that; it’s not like your average class, you’ll learn different styles and techniques of boxing/martial arts, how to spiritually prepare yourself for the world, and how to physically prepare yourself for anything in the near future. My favourite part about One Step is gaining mental strength in everything we do from Matin’s motivational speeches to gain Self-mastery to just breathing exercises. I highly recommend One Step to anyone looking to maximum their potential and make health their wealth. My name is Garad Del and I’ve been going to One Step for a year and a half and do not plan on leaving anytime soon…

Garad Deli


ONE STEP METHOD is a one stop fitness and self-defense solution for people of all ages.

Working hours

Monday – Friday:
07:00 – 21:00

07:00 – 16:00

Sunday Closed

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